Please use the link below to log into Secure Delivery, our encrypted message platform. If you have any trouble accessing your account or need to add users, please email for assistance.
Quick Guide to Downloading Secure Delivery App on iPhone & Android
- Go to Playstore on the Android Smart phone OR the App Store on the iPhone.
- iPhone= Search Spectrum SD. Android= Search Spectrum Secure Delivery. Choose the program and download. (iPhone users: When a “Notification” question appears, please click “Allow.”)
- Open Application and type in the following URL: – Select “Connect.”
- Username and Password will be provided to your office personnel.
- Select “Options” at top right hand of screen to adjust your Personal Options.
“Registration Pending” Issue:
If using the iPhone Apple product, and you did not select “Allow” when the Notification question popped up when downloading the app, your registration is not complete. To complete the registration, please complete the following steps: 1.) Sign off the app 2.) Go into your phone’s Settings -> Notifications -> Spectrum SD and Allow Notifications 3.) Sign back on the app, it should be resolved.
Procedures for Message Retrieval:
When a message has been sent to the Secure Delivery App, you will be alerted via a beep that a message is waiting to be VIEWED. If you do not VIEW the message in a pre-defined time frame (usually 5 minutes) determined by the practice, a SMS Text message will be sent to the cell phone notifying you a Secure Message is waiting for you to be VIEWED. If after 10 minutes the message has not been VIEWED, an operator will call the cell phone and notify you that a Secure Delivery message is pending on the App. Access the App by logging in with your credentials. You will need to VIEW the message for the answering service to consider the message delivered to you. You do not need to REPLY to the message but only VIEW it to close out the call as being delivered to you. This is a crucial step so that the message can be marked as delivered/received by you.
Optional Secure Delivery steps:
- Once you have VIEWED the message, it can be moved to the “In-Process” or “Completed” category once the call has been addressed with the patient or caller.
- A Secure Delivery message can be sent to another person in the group via using the “Forward” feature. Forwarding a message to another person is encrypted.
- You may call the caller back from the message by clicking on the “callback” link. Our phone number will populate on the recipient’s caller id, instead of your cell phone number. Apple users: Please make sure you are using IOS 17.5 or greater.